[Earn1KaDay] Appreciation, webinars, notes, new downloads, etc…

by 5buckguy

Thank you for all the messages and thoughts about my challenges of
last week. It was very encouraging and I appreciate you.

Things have improved this week with the weather, so that helps a
lot, and I’m taking a long weekend respite from the dreariness of
northern New Jersey with a trip to the ocean in southern New Jersey.

As I look out the window from my condo right now, there’s a dense
fog, so that’s dreary in itself, but I left behind huge piles of
snow that had been plowed out of the way and as high as 8 and 10
feet, and was surprised that there’s absolutely no snow down here,
only 135 miles away.

I hope your part of the planet is basking in bright sunshine, and
if not today, the sun will come out tomorrow (thanks, Annie).

It’s time for my occasional nagging about taking advantage of what
Earn1KaDay is offering you as far as the extra added attractions.
See them here:

and especially as far as today with the 6 in 6 coaching program.
I’m noticing than fewer than half of the members have signed up for
6 in 6, it’s an amazing resource, you get in for free where it
would normally cost you $97/month, and the more I dive into the
actual content, the more amazed I am.

New notes (“Becker’s Notes”) have been added for a handful of
modules, and at least a couple of them could be game-changers for
you and your business. Like module 9, for example, but others as

Be sure to sign up for 6 in 6, even if you can’t find time to
benefit right now, because unless you’re a lifetime member, access
to the modules is drip fed to you at the rate of 1 archived module
every 2 weeks. So if for example you signed up when I first added
availability in October, and you were a member of E1K then, you’d
have access to the first 8 or 9 modules already. If you put off
signing up, you won’t be able to access that amazing module 9 for
another 4+ months.

Lifetime members of Earn1KaDay get access to all modules instantly
though, so if you’ve done that, there’s no waiting, other than
asking me to upgrade you.


Here are this week’s new downloads:

Facing Your Fears:

Kickstart Guide to Evernote:


Special announcements:

I hosted a web class with Jason Fladlien this week on the subject
of running webinars.

This was a typical one with Jason where amazingly useful content
was shared that could be taken to the bank, but in addition a
special offer was presented at the end that would help you even
more so.

Some people are afraid of webinars, as I was in the beginning. Some
aren’t good at them the first time or two, as I wasn’t, and Jason

Very few people though have done around 1000 of them like Jason
has, and so also very few people make 7 figures a year with them
like Jason does and a few other people that come to mind.

I have every bit of confidence that I could take my business to the
7-figure level if I did more webinars. Do I want to work that hard?
Not really, but that’s not the point.

The point is that learning how to do webinars is a skill that will
bring you more income, and maybe you want to work that hard to
make that kind of money…

… or half that hard to make half that amount of money. :-)

I was thinking though, and Jason said he agreed on the webinar
itself, that the skills that he’s teaching are transferable in
other ways, and valuable beyond what most people imagine.

Jason really isn’t just teaching the techniques and tactics that
make him a high earner with webinars, because those techniques and
tactics are useful elsewhere…

… like on Google Hangouts, sort of obviously
… like on teleseminars
… like for video sales letters
… like on Youtube
… like when giving presentations at seminars
… like one on one selling

Really, what he’s teaching is not how to master webinars (though he
does teach some of the technical details) but more so he’s teaching
the art of selling.

Period. Exclamation point.

So if you invest in this very low priced training (or master what
Jason teaches in the webinar for free), you’re not just learning
how to be a success with webinars, you’re learning how to succeed
in many other ways.

You really should watch the replay if you weren’t with us for the
live event:


And if you don’t have time for that and want to invest in Jason and
my special offer (I’ve added my own bonuses which include Becker’s
Notes for Jason’s training), you can go straight here:


Both the replay availability and the offer expire Sunday at
midnight Pacific time.

That reminds me actually, I need to start scheduling my
coaching webinars for you.


Forum threads of note:

Security alert: Nameserver DDOS attacks:


Your feedback on this service, please:


Question about Getresponse vs. Aweber:

Also here:


Replay of web class with Jason Fladlien about webinars:

Unfortunately the replay won’t be available much longer (Sunday


Reaction to my last week’s email:


Google Analytics not showing sale amount:


Business cards?


What’s working for Jim as far as SEO:


Notes added this week to the following 6 in 6 coaching modules:

Module 5:

Module 6:

Module 7:

Module 8:

Module 9 (check this one out if you want quick cash!):


Advice on redirecting a domain:


Current opinions about Norton security?


Don’t forget about our Facebook group, it’s always buzzing with
activity from not only our Earn1KaDay friends, but also with those
who haven’t yet made the commitment to join us:



Remember, there’s a special section in the forum called “Special
Offers (By Authors), where members offer their products at a
special price to members.

I’d rather not highlight each one individually, so that this email
doesn’t start looking like a classified ad section, but sometimes
you can get some nice bargains and support your forum friends, so
please remember to check it out next time you drop by the forum:


Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t remember this, all
the weekly emails, from the beginning of time, are archived on the
blog here:

If you ever miss an email, or want to check the archives, you can
always go there and do a search.

Another reminder: I get asked (a lot) about the affiliate program
to Earn1KaDay. A thread was set up long ago with details, here:


That’s just a short review of some of the highlights, there is much
more going on all the time at the forum. Don’t be a stranger
there, that’s where the primary value of your membership is, after
all. We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a lounge
there if you want to unwind), we’re there to learn from each other,
and share with each other, and as you can see from the above sample
threads, there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.

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