Internet Marketing Hacks– 5 Things You Should Be Doing To Work Less And Earn More

by 5buckguy

You’re working like crazy and you need a break or you’re going to crack. The good news is that there are certain Internet marketing hacks you can use to work less and earn more. Here are 5 common Internet marketing problems along with 5 Internet Marketing hacks you can use to bust past them.

Problem 1: There’s No Way You Could Ever Write Your Own Book Or Create Your Own Product

You love the idea of creating your own information product empire. You see other marketers releasing products left and right– you know that’s where the real money is made. The problem is that you can’t see yourself doing that. It will take you way too long. You’re not a writer and you don’t have that kind of time. How on earth are you going to succeed with your business in light of this?

Internet Marketing Hack: The solution is a lot simpler than you think. The solution is like any large or scary task in life– you just have to break it down until it isn’t scary or seemingly insurmountable anymore. In the case of writing a book when you’ve  never done so before, plan out your chapters. Give yourself 500 word chapter chunks to focus on… 1 per day. Ignore the rest.

Every day, focus on and write 500 words per day. At the end of 10 days, you will have written 5,000 words– a perfectly acceptable length for a shorter ebook or report. Rinse and repeat and build your info product empire. Anyone, even those with the toughest of day jobs and the most pressing of responsibilities, can make this happen. You write 500 word emails to friends and family every day, so make this happen.

Problem 2: You’re Not Selling Enough Products

If you’re not selling as many products as you’d like, it’s a real problem. You’ve done the hard work of creating the products in the first place so now you expect to reap the rewards. Should you have to spend a lot of money advertising your products? You could… but it’s not necessarily your first solution. Should you have to spend a lot of time on free traffic methods that may or may not work? You could, but I suggest a better way.

Internet Marketing Hack: As an Internet marketing hack I suggest you put most of your energy on recruiting affiliates who will promote just about everything you put out. I use the Nanacast system for my affiliates, which credits my affiliates for everything their referred customers buy, even on products they didn’t specifically promote. It’s all about affiliate loyalty. Spend your time recruiting and nurturing affiliates.

You see, when you put your focus on the affiliate, they become extremely loyal to you. When you have an army of affiliates who are loyal to you, they do the work of driving traffic to your offers, time and time again. They bring customers to you and help build your list (because every new customer is added to your list, of course).

If you’re struggling to get traffic or customers, focus on building relationships with affiliates. Rub elbows with others in your niche. Offer exceptional deals to affiliates and give them an offer they can’t refuse then they promote. If you make it incredibly easy and enticing for them and profitable for them to promote, there’s no reason they won’t.

If you don’t have enough income coming in, or enough products to justify a platform like Nanacast, you could use JV Zoo or Warrior Plus instead, although those who use those platforms sometimes lose fact of the fact that little transaction fees with each sale quickly add up to more than the monthly cost of Nanacast ($97.00).

Another option might be Amember or Digital Access Pass (DAP) which just charge you a one-time fee to use their software. One reason I love Nanacast more than the others (which I’ve used in the past) is that I don’t have to install the software on my server, and therefore don’t have to worry about security or having to continually install updates.

Problem 3: You Don’t Have A List

You don’t have a list, which you  know is a necessary and important part of succeeding in any business. You don’t really see how you can succeed without one. Is there hope for you? You know building a large list can take years, but you’d rather start succeeding right now, rather than later.

Internet Marketing Hack: Start to write and release mini and larger products and get affiliates to promote them. Give these affiliates great commissions and deals they won’t want to turn down. Whenever a customer buys, they’ll be added to your list. Rinse and repeat weekly. Continue networking and forming new relationships with affiliates weekly. Before you know it, you’ll have great relationships with affiliates and a steadily growing list of active buyers.

You don’t really need a large list to do well, my friend Connie Ragen Green is a prime example. She was earning over $100,000 per year with a list of only a little over 600 subscribers.

I cover this problem and its solution very in depth at No List, No Contacts, No Problem, so I recommend you check that out.

Problem 4: Your Time Is Filled With Little Tasks You Hate And That Don’t Bring In Much Money

There are always little tasks in business that have to get done but don’t bring in much money in the end. These tasks can really suck the energy out of you. They take up the time you could be spending on much higher profit activities. This is a huge problem many people run into when they’re the only ones in their business. What should you do?

Internet Marketing Hack: It’s time to outsource the little things. You need to outsource the tasks that hold you up. Consider what your time is worth. If it would take you 3-4 hours to do something that you could instead outsource on Fiverr for $5-$10, you’re much better off outsourcing it. Leave your energy for higher profit, more enjoyable activities and you’ll find that you can grow your business and profit more overall.

Problem 5: You’re Totally Drained And Not Getting Much Done

You work all day but still find yourself not having gotten much done at the end of the day. What’s the solution? It’s not as if you can tack on another few hours to the 24 we all get. That’s the other thing– we all get the same 24 hours in a day, so why are some people able to get so much more done than others?

Internet Marketing Hack: It’s important to figure out when your peak work hours are. Some people work better first thing in the morning while others work better at night. Plan your schedule well and then get your most important tasks done first. Give yourself breaks and time off. You’ll burn yourself out very quickly if you don’t. Your health, productivity, business, and life overall will suffer if you burn the candle at both ends.

No matter what problem you’re dealing with, there are always new ways to approach it.



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