[Earn1KaDay] Big things coming, Challenge, Great downloads…

by 5buckguy

Lots of things have been backlogged in my life/business lately because of some of the recent events that I’ve told you about before.

Over the next several days I’m going to attempt to unclog things by going away to relax, unwind, think, and do some things that I’ve missed.

I’m going down to the condo at the shore tonight and not returning until after the 4th of July holiday, so almost a week, not quite a vacation, but it will seem like one.

A couple of the major things that I’ll be working on (if things work out as planned) will be getting ready for phase 2 of the Kindle Case Study (ideas are mostly in place, writing has started, but still a lot to do), and also a plan I have that will affect at least Earn1KaDay, and hopefully be one of the biggest features here since the beginning days where the MMS sites were the focus.

I’ll point to the thread below (the brainstorming one), and I hope you answer the poll to give me an idea about whether you’d be willing to participate in a challenge once I get things in place.

I also want to catch up a bit on my reading and video viewing that I’ve fallen behind on, some of which will give me ideas for the two major projects mentioned above.

And oh yeah, I’d better not forget to get my speech for Dr. Ben’s seminar prepared, it’s only 3 weeks away.

The forecast for the next several days is hot, sunny, beautiful, and hopefully it will help me focus on the future, which looks to be pretty bright as well.

I’m also working on a major change to Product Drop, as well as a couple major JV opportunities, not to mention the seminar in August, so the next couple months should be busy.


Here are this week’s new downloads:

24 Hour Traffic Formula:

Continuity Overdrive:

The Truth About Making Profit With PLR (web class replay):


Forum threads of note:

I’m brainstorming a new challenge for the forum, would you please asnwer the 1-question poll and feel free to comment in the thread:

This could be pretty exciting if we get enough participants.


MMS or niche sites post penguin/panda:


Order entry processing capabilities:


Does this sound like your list?


How small companies are taxed with uncertainty:


Selling forward – is it dangerous to your PayPal account?


Amazon prime – affiliate question:


Did you lose your keys?


Stop being lame around Tim:


Teresa’s been wondering:


Affiliate marketing vs. party plans and network marketing?


JV Zoo and PayPal problems:


Shay needs ideas and feedback:


So does Teresa:


How did they do this video, Avani wonders:


New plugin for writers and those that need writers:


Lynne got to see the Olympic torch relay:


Anyone interested in a London UK meetup in August?


George got an award:


Remember, there’s a special section in the forum called “Special Offers (By Authors), where members offer their products at a special price to members.

I’d rather not highlight each one individually, so that this email doesn’t start looking like a classified ad section, but sometimes you can get some nice bargains and support your forum friends, so please remember to check it out next time you drop by the forum:


Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t remember this, all the weekly emails, from the beginning of time, are archived on the blog here:

If you ever miss an email, or want to check the archives, you can
always go there and do a search.

Another reminder: I get asked (a lot) about the affiliate program
to Earn1KaDay. A thread was set up long ago with details, here:


That’s just a short review of some of the highlights, there is much more going on all the time at the forum. Don’t be a stranger there, that’s where the primary value of your membership is, after all. We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a lounge there if you want to unwind), we’re there to learn from each other, and share with each other, and as you can see from the above sample threads, there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.

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