Happy new year, expiring offers, goals, WP 3.0.4, and more…

by 5buckguy

This is the last day of the year. Actually it’s the last day of the
decade also, though some will argue with the method of determining
when decades begin and end. ‘Nuff said about that.

And I hope that 2010 has been as good for you as it has been for
me, and that 2011 will go way, way beyond that awesomeness.

2010 has been quite a year for me.

In August Rachel agreed to partner with me, and we’ve done some
amazing things, pushing me way out of my comfort zone and probably
hers as well.

In doing so, we learned that amazing things can happen when two
people in mental synchronicity put their minds together, set goals
using the “why” system, and really push.

Now that we’ve stretched a bit, we’ve determined that 2011 will
show a new side of us, I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

We’re not abandoning what we’ve been doing entirely, but we’re
evolving. I haven’t updated the saga in a while, I probably will
over the weekend and give you a peek inside what we’re thinking

In September I found that I wasn’t immortal, and that ignoring my
body’s health wasn’t all that wise. Duh. Do as I say, not as I did,
when it comes to YOUR health.

And December has been a challenge on a number of things. Some have
already been resolved, some haven’t. That’s life, and challenge
presents opportunity for growth.

However, one of the goals that was set and met in 2010 was to
reward my increased IM income by shutting down my warehouse
operation, and just this week I mailed the required 90 days notice
of lease termination to my landlord. So very soon I’ll be closer to
a 4 hour work week than ever before.

Actually closer to a 60 hour work week, but still, it’s a start. :-)

Anyway… let’s talk about what’s new at Earn1KaDay, shall we?


Here are this week’s new downloads:

Facebook Fan Page Categories:

SEO Rank Finder:

Article Brokering:

The Customer Magnet:

(I think offliners will really like the one above)

Penny Auction Tips:


Notable news:

Our holiday specials are coming to an end soon. The one that’s been
selling the best is our “best of 2010″ dime sale bundle. $44 for 11
dime sales that maxed out in price when they came out.

And our Christmas bundle, that includes WP Sales Engine and a bunch
more for just the price of WP Sales Engine:

Actually, the price increase of WPSE is imminent, I’m guessing the
new price will be $167-ish range, so if you think you’ll be needing
it at all, now’s the time to buy, and get all the other stuff that
comes with it.

Then there’s the Earn1KaDay lifetime access deal, in case you never
want to lose access here because of a PayPal glitch or something:

That one’s probably going to pulled down again very soon, but I
promised that I’d leave it up until the end of the year. I suspect,
based on some planning Rachel and I are doing, that the monthly
price for new members will soon be increased, and with the increase,
if and when the lifetime access offer is opened back up again, it
will be at a higher price also.

And the Earn1KaDay reseller offer:

That one’s going to see a price increase tomorrow (January 1st),
it’s going from $1197 to $2497 sometime during the day, depending
on how late I get up and functional after whatever partying I do
tonight. :-) There’s a 3-payment installment plan on that one if
you can’t afford it all at once.

If you’re showing profits from your business this year, all these
offers can probably be expensed if you purchase before the end of
the year (today).


Forum threads of note:

Lora started a thread about ways to make money in 5 days or less:


What did you buy for yourself for Christmas?


Phil asks “what would you do in this situation”:


This is all geek to me:


Edwin was wondering whether to go with RAP, Clickbank, or a


Lora wants to see a section on case studies in the forum. I can
provide the section if some people are willing to fill it up. Post
in Lora’s thread if you’ve got something to share and I’ll set it
up if there’s interest:


Is anyone using Windows Live Skydrive for backups:


Rachel started a thread about uses for WP Twin:

If you can think of more, add it to the thread, please.


Have you set up any fixed term memberships:


Steve’s back and looking for advice:


How do you use freebies:


A new feature in Market Samurai… or is it?


A mindmap for ipod/pad/phone users:

I’ve got my heart set on an iPad, and that will be so perfect for
what I plan to do with it.


Cori got hacked this week, actually I think there was a lot of that
going around:


Have your set your 2011 goals yet? Are you making income goals or
lifestyle goals?

If you can combine them, now that’s powerful.


Mike can’t figure out this Aweber problem. Or is it an Aweber


Does this tool exist?


Does anyone use DL Guard for membership sites:


Where to start with selling on eBay:


Debbie’s working on her first product:


It looks like it’s pretty important to upgrade your blogs to
WordPress 3.0.4:


Arthur’s back, but he’s a mere shell of his former self:


One more hottie is off the market… Cori got engaged:


Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t remember this, all
the weekly emails, from the beginning of time, are archived on the
blog here:

If you ever miss an email, or want to check the archives, you can
always go there and do a search.

Another reminder: I get asked (a lot) about the affiliate program
to Earn1KaDay. A thread was set up long ago with details, here:


That’s just a short review of some of the highlights, there is much
more going on all the time at the forum. Don’t be a stranger
there, that’s where the primary value of your membership is, after
all. We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a lounge
there if you want to unwind), we’re there to learn from each other,
and share with each other, and as you can see from the above sample
threads, there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

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