"Who Else Wants to Spend Less Time, Less Money, With Less Aggravation, While Pursuing the 4-Hour Work Week?"

You most likely fall into one of two categories...

1. You do everything yourself. There's never enough time in the day to get everything done. When things don't get done, you get frustrated, you lose focus, and you don't earn the income you deserve.


2. You realize you need help in doing some of the things that are required to have a successful Internet business. There are things that you just either don't do well, that you hate doing, or that aren't worth your valuable time to do.

For example why write an article that will take you an hour or more, if somebody else can do it for $3, or $5, or even $10, freeing you to do something more profitable? Why indeed?

So you start outsourcing. You might have articles written, sales copy put together, backlinking services performed, graphics produced, a Facebook Fan Page set up, etc., etc., etc.

That's all well and good, except if you're like I used to be... you find that finding and managing the outside workers often takes as much time as if you did it yourself.

Plus, some of them do such a terrible job that you have to start over.

And once you find a good worker, good luck finding them again when you need more help.

If I were to tell you that I know someone who can help you stretch your outsourcing dollars and save yourself time to boot, does that sound like someone you'd be interested in hearing?

That person is Rachel Rofe.

Join us on Thursday, August 19th for a valuable webinar with Rachel Rofe. Rachel built an outsourcing empire, currently employing over 100 workers, in less than a year, and has learned the ins and outs of the business.

Rachel made a lot of mistakes, mistakes that most people using the freelance sites are still making. Nobody said it was easy, especially when you're learning from your own experience.

Yes, experience is a great teacher, but cruel at times. Would you rather learn from your own mistakes, or from someone else's mistakes that have since been solved?

Rachel will be sharing her secrets about how and where to find and retain workers, how to quickly qualify them so as to not waste your own valuable time, how and how much to pay them, and much more. Much more.

Listen to Rachel, and the experience she'll so generously share will surprise you, if you've been listening to conventional teachings about outsourcing. This is a webinar not to be missed, so...

Sign Up For Our Webinar:
"Outsourcing For Profit"

Thursday, August 19, 2010 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
(New York time)

Even if you reached this page after the webinar date/time, or if you won't be available at that time, it's not a problem. The webinar will be recorded and available for you to download and watch as many times as you like.

We also have an iron-clad, no questions asked, money back guarantee. If after watching the webinar, or webinar recording, you feel that the low fee to watch won't save you many times your investment, just contact me for a full refund. I'm confident in the information we're providing, but just want you to feel comfortable.

Sign up below, after payment is made you'll be taken to a thank you page that will give you the webinar registration details.

The cost to attend is a drop in the bucket compared to the money most people hiring freelancers are throwing away every day, so get your seat now. This price will not be this low forever.

Pre-Webinar Pricing:
Just $5.00

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