Member Contributed Database of Lists

The Database of Lists is a repository of resources, in a wide range of categories. It's maintained by members, and you're welcome to contribute, in fact we appreciate it when you do.

What's the Database of Lists?

I had high hopes for this feature when I implemented it, and still do. It's still a work in progress, but growing every now and then.

The theory is for the members to help build a database where they would submit their favorite "X" in a particular category. As you can see, there are a bunch of different lists set up in the database:

Some of the lists

There are more as well, of course, and if there's a need for new categories, all a members has to do is contact me and I'll add it, unless the request is already handled by a list that's already there. Let's look inside one of them:

A sample list

Each entry links to where you can pick up the plugin. This is a great central repository of information. Members can benefit from the research and experience of other members. Neat, huh?

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